
If you knew Suzie…

Suzie Armani Penrose. 08/05/1930–27/03/2024 If you knew Suzie like I knew Suzie…Yep, that’s the tune that always comes to mind.  Oh what a gal…She sure was. Although I am so sad that I will never see her or hear her laugh again, whenever I think of her, she makes me smile, big time.  That’s a … READ MORE

The best care agency in the ‘world’ Blog #11

The best care agency in the ‘world’ Blog #11   Hello! I am going to start with the next item from my goody bag. Which as it turns out is spot on when it comes to this month’s topic.    ‘French people don’t believe that anything is important except daily living.’  Gertrude Stein I used … READ MORE

The best job in the world #9 Care and Choice

The best job in the world. #9 Care and Choice.   The right mental attitude and how your life can change in an instant.    What could Sir Ian Mckellen, the Queen and Adrian Paul (Highlander) possibly have in common? Perception, age and motivation, that’s what.  Firstly, the Queen declines, Oldie of the Year Award, … READ MORE

Best job in the world. Care and Choice. #5

For those of you following my blog you will recall that I wanted to reminisce this month about travelling throughout the UK whilst doing care work for the last twenty eight years. However, the memory from my goody bag was looming large, especially at the moment so I decided to focus on that instead. Plus, … READ MORE