The best job in the world. SAD in September. For me it used to really kick off in October but it seems to have come early this year. Seasonal affective disorder is the term I am referring to and is a type of depression that affects people during the winter months. Less sunshine and … READ MORE
Best job in the world. Care and Choice #4
Best job in the world #4 3 rd June 2021 By the time you read this many things will have changed…again. If I was trying to put an amusing spin on what is basically a second year of confusion and frustration I would say it is like being trapped inside a bizarre version of … READ MORE
Care and Choice. The best job in the world. #3
As a keyworker I have been staying in Airbnbs between jobs. Now, there are two things that frustrate me in life generally. People who don’t make an effort when first meeting others and those who don’t check their facts! 😉 So just imagine how disgruntled I felt by a very lukewarm reception at my new … READ MORE