The simple answer is… Nothing! One is oozing customer service and the other has none! Caring for people in their 80’s often means a trip to Budgens ( a small supermarket chain) and helping them on with their Hotter shoes. My most recent interaction with both of these resulted in two things. One: A phone … READ MORE
You were not there. I took flight and waited but you were not there. The pilot was tall dark and handsome. Just like you. We soared easily into the early afternoon sky. Blue and white and windy. Too windy to be safe. We rocked, swayed, dropped, dipped, yelped (that was me) And were ordered … READ MORE
It is the third week of May and so it has to be Cannes. 🙂
When Red John was finally slain I wondered where the writers of THE MENTALIST would take Patrick Jane. The storyline was so absorbing and it defined the main character. Could Jane be reinvented successfully? Initially yes. But now? We appear to have a melange of MONK and JONATHON CREEK. The basic premise is still there … READ MORE
This lot got chucked out with my last move. I felt so proud. I should have got a Brownie badge or something… BUT, I still have something similar in the way of leads and stuff and then some genius posts the answer on facebook. Thanks to: Useful Tips page on facebook. Yay! I have seen … READ MORE
Dear Easyjet, What were you thinking! If you can think of a better caption, email me via CONTACT. Deadline Midnight CET and I will announce the winner 18.00 Monday 10th February…assuming Easyjet don’t sue me before then 😉 And here is the link to the book:
Both Hoffman and Brand have things in common. That much is obvious but why and how does only one of them survive. Can I just say at this point, I am certain of nothing, this is all about how I feel. Let me explain. However tough life has been this past sixty years I have … READ MORE
So far, each decade of my life has been very different and I suddenly thought which film would depict each one. So, here they are, starting at about age 10. LOVE STORY PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT HOUSESITTER BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY SHIRLEY VALENTINE AS GOOD AS IT GETS. How about yours?