It seems that retirement, at least in Europe, consisits of the same things… Thanks to Paul and Agnes, who have no idea that I took this photo. I only hope that Agnes gets time to log on to the outside world occassionally to see this. I think a little French resistance is called for. AGNES! … READ MORE
Yes, that’s you, Maggie Alderperson. You mentioned chocolate yesterday afternoon and my nearest chocolatier is what…a hop, skip and a jump away? So now I have to eat ‘our’ favourite chocolates all by myself. Ganache de violet.
I did my first radio interview the other day. It has not been broadcast yet and I will be posting the date and time asap. It will just be five minutes and not live, my interviewer told me. The listeners want to know what you have written and what prompted you to do it. No … READ MORE
A lovely spring morning. I threw open my shutters and looked down. Ah shoes! Don’t do it, I thought but I soon realised it was just shoes, no feet, drying in the sun. Phew.
It is often said that mums have to be ‘Jack’ of all trades or have a degree in multi-tasking. Problem solving is an absolute must. Another really good thing to have is patience. Now I don’t qualify as a mother, per sae, but I do have a pretty good record with problem solving. If only … READ MORE
As a French friend very wisely once said, there is always an answer even if it is no. The other thing I have noticed about France is that there is always a choice…par example. As this sign clearly says…Open every day. The shop was in fact closed. Could be something to do with … READ MORE