My books

New book has arrived on amazon!

Read it if you dare 😉 Available to download on amazon now! It’s fun, it’s sexy and so easy to read. And this is book one of three.  

Mature, educated, healing hands, can travel

Mature, educated, healing hands, can travel. The two most important things in life are sex and food. After that comes love and money. Andre Leon Tulley Creative Director of American Vogue. *** I believe that sex is the most beautiful, natural and wholesome thing that money can buy. Attributed to Steve Martin. Out now! Available … READ MORE


Who knew I would be writing my autobiography and I am not even four years old yet. In fact I will never be four years old because I am already six feet under…

Wait for me

WAIT FOR ME Two souls. Through time. Six lives. ♥ Nature and circumstance seemed to have made this woman for this man and to have thrust them in each others way. ( Zola, E. Therese Raquin  p.73)   A novel in four parts. From the end of the twentieth century in England, through 1860’s India, … READ MORE


*KHAMAILEON: A maternity suit and even DNA cannot help her. I was inspired to write Khamaileon by three very different women whose lives were devastated by varying degrees of manipulation and assumptions. An English woman was released in 2003 having been wrongfully imprisoned for more than 3 years, falsely accused of the murder of her … READ MORE

All Expenses Paid

Have you ever met someone and thought, I know you? As a writer this happens from time to time. You write and develop a character to such an extent that when they appear in real life, you are not surprised. And so it was last Sunday. An Australian lady in a cafe starts a conversation … READ MORE

Shelf life – the book, the screenplay, the film

It was in 2000 that I received my new Nokia mobile phone. I viewed it with trepidation. It would work a lot better than my previous one, the salesman assured me. I just had to get used to it. I was intrigued by its ability to play different tunes. Cool. I soon found myself listening … READ MORE