I am still reflecting on the amazing 6 days that ticked all the boxes when it comes to …life begins at 60!
I want to thank everyone for contributing something special. Themselves!
Individually, I want to thank…
KIM, for disappearing backwards, wearing my purple, sparkly, 70’s dress, into the hedge and surviving.
JO, for constantly, quietly keeping everything running smoothly.
KAREN (Salisbury) for her unfailing sense of fun and joie de vivre.
MARIA, for all the background work and invaluable input on the video.
STEVE, for taking the p**s out of my patio furniture just 5 minutes after arriving. True friend confirmation.
MARK, for directing, improvising and filming of the video with his usual life affirming gusto!
FRANCES, for producing fabulous salads.
JULIE, for the lovely decorations.
PHOEBE, for helping everyone with their make-up.
KAREN ( Vence) for reminding me how lovely it looks to be slim. ( giving up sugar NOW)
UMI, for wearing my hotpants and giving me hope!
JACQUELINE, for wearing my suspender belt on her head!!!
MATTEO, for being ‘thrown in the deep end’ and coming up grinning.
JACQUES, for making the best use of my wig. Adorable!
JEAN-MARC, for the great card.
JULES, for being a fab Production Assisitant.
BRIGITTE, for not sending everyone home 😉
This whole event confirmed what I have long suspected. Strangers are just friends who haven’t met yet.
If I had to sum up, I would say that the best friends self-delegate and everyone did.
Merci, thank you and grazie.