Two years ago and Dora was having her hair done at home. Can I take your picture, I asked, You look so funny,as if you have dreadlocks. Be my guest was the reply.
Dora was then 97 and had an unfailing sense of humour. She was a gem. She was born in Chesterfield and quite frankly, I think this has a lot to do with her personality. They know ‘ow to make ’em up north 😉
I have looked after so many people over the last 19 years but Dora, me old fruit, you are in my top 10.
To which she would probably reply. Well, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Ah Dora, you were determined not to reach 100 and you have succeeded, leaving us this afternoon, aged 99.
It was truly a pleasure to have known you and you will never be forgotten.
If they have milk maids wherever you are now, you’ll fit right in.
One my favourite memories of you, Dora, sailing along the landing in your dressing gown, enroute to the bathroom to empty the commode ( when she still could) and calling out: Milkmaid coming through. So funny.
Bless you Dora and thank you.