Had to be done, didn’t it!
When I made my appointment at the dentist for April the 1st, it made me smile.
I often think the best April fool’s that keep people unsure for at least a moment or two are the ones that are plausible.
I was there to have stitches removed after a particularly uncomfortable extraction, ten days earlier.
So I had two jokes to play.
Entering the room I held out my hand with a very long piece of black thread in it.
‘See! thought I would save you the job. Taken the stitches out myself!’
Stunned look on my dentist’s face. Priceless.
Then my extra prank. I revealed the other side of my face. I had stuffed my cheek with cotton wool.
‘I thought the swelling would have gone down by now.’
I tried not to smile.
Now he got it.
I looked at the clock. 11.47.
Just in time.
April fool 😉