Alan Bennett or Fayence…ASmileADay #91

Tips for recharging your batteries.

A friend recently asked how I cope when my energy levels are really low.

To take myself out of myself and feel life is worth living it has to be,

a) Wind in the Willows (CD) read by Alan Bennett.

b) Housesitter (DVD) with Goldie Hawn & Steve Martin or

c) Get on a bus (going somewhere new) and only get off when somewhere looks interesting.

The only hiccup with plan c was when I took my myself off to Fayence one day. Arrived in time for lunch, just as tourist office was closing so I popped in to ask about the time of the bus back? Bus back? She looked at me…incredulous. There is NO bus back, madame. So, as I was in France I shrugged and wondered off in the direction of the best aromas. Lunch Oh yes. I got back by taking another bus to the coast, then a train along the coast, then two buses back home. Silver lining: the bus from Fayence to Frejus/St Raphael was one of the most breath taking I have ever encountered. 50% for the scenery and 50% because the bus driver kept turning around to shout at two school boys who were embroiled in a scrap!!


Read by Alan BennetBetween Fayence and Frejus Goldie Hawn & Steve Martin








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