Helping children with cancer

Helping children with cancer.

Why 7 inches is better!

That got your attention, hopefully.

It may seem a little incongruous when you see what this relates to but I think it is worth it.

When I watch the news, look around the world at the state it is in I mostly feel helpless.

However, if there is one thing I am good at by simply doing nothing but basic every day self-care I can help children with cancer. Well, at least help them have some hair!

I can grow hair and nails at a rate of knots (but sadly not teeth) so a while back I thought, once a year I will grow my hair to an excess of at least 7 inches as this is the requirement of the Little Princess organisation that accepts donated hair to make wigs for children.

I am not brave enough and happily it is not necessary to shave your head as Jessie J did a while back but I can do my bit.

How about you lot in facebook -land?

Here is the link below with all the info you need.

Meanwhile here is my contribution from last year.

Help children with cancer

And this year is coming along nicely…about 1 inch to go.

I mean…why else would 7 inches be better?

Also reminds of a very useful piece of advice I gave my niece many years ago. When some annoying grown-ups see you day dreaming and they say, ’What are you doing?’ Tell them, ‘I am growing my hair!’


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