My local shopkeeper and all round good egg, in this French medieval village, is definitely multi-cultural.
He’s got Branston pickle on the shelves now…for goodness sake. He also asked me how you would use Golden Syrup?
Now, he has a great sense of humour but doesn’t speak much English so I just kept it to flapjacks.
Obviously, having no idea what I was on about I picked up a packet of oats, grabbed some butter from the frigo and put the three items to together.
He was less than impressed.
Apart from being open 7 days per week and stocking all my soya stuff he has been 100% supportive of my writing.
I have a spot by the till where I advertise my wares.
My books. All four of them, in rotation.
As my latest has a spectacular cover, I produced the poster with a flourish.
A Mouse in the Vinaigrette.
Ah! Vinaigrette he says. I volunteered the French for mouse. His joy at knowing what vinaigrette was, was quickly replaced by confusion.
A mouse…IN…the vinaigrette?
I nodded towards his ‘engleesh shelves’ and said. Mais oui, and English delicacy…
I promise to go back in the morning and put him straight…probably 😉