Before cougars were invented

Or more accurately, before the term cougar was in everyday use.

Sorting through a mountain of notes, I found this.

No date ( something I regret) but must be from about 30 years ago.

The heading is this: Older women/younger men and the 7 lessons of survival.

2012-07-16 21.25.10Lesson One: Do not let them know how clever you are. Female intelligence scares the shit out of them.

Lesson Two: Find subdued lighting for the first encounter.

Lesson Three: Think 25, be 25 but on no account allow yourself to wonder what a real 25 yr old might be thinking…

Lesson Four: Allow them to produce the condom.

Lesson Five: Do not sleep in between. Everything starts to sag. Let him sleep, he needs his rest. You can sleep when he’s gone.

Lesson Six: Do not ask him for his phone number. Younger women do this. It scares them. They scare easy..

Lesson Seven: Look mildly surprised then elated when he asks to see you again and then…be out!



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