Saturday 8 a.m Tennis or Live sex? ASmileADay #123

Yep, Saturday at 8 a.m and I am lying in my bed contemplating a cup of tea when I am distracted by the sounds from my south facing window of people, other people, playing tennis.

Insert sounds of tennis balls hitting rackets and the occasional grunt…

Saturday 8 a.m

Okay that is from me as I assume an upright position but not before rotating my head to the left and glancing through my north facing window. Wow. Such energy! Live sex whilst balancing on a sloping roof. Yep, the pigeons are at it again. Fair enough, I say but wait…is the third one trying to join in or break them up? Jealous? Moi? Bird on head

Okay, it’s not a pigeon, just use your imagination.

Now about that cup of tea… 😉


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